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A mobile app designed to help all generation of employees bridge the gap from online to offline


November 5-7,2022 (48 hours)

Carissa Chen
Aisha Welautham
Fatima Sadat Ghaderi

UX Research, UI Design


This project is for the McMaster UIUX Designation 2022, a 2-day competition where students tackle User Interface and User Experience design problems for a variety of sponsors. Our client, Relevant Bits, is a software development company focused on strategic design & project management. Our goal was to create an app that would help organizations bring remote employees together through trips & events.


Design Challenge Prompt

With a younger workforce pushing for better work/life balance, many organizations are transitioning to fully remote working opportunities. While remote working is great, it’s still important to have face-to-face time to help build strong relationships. Organizations are bridging this gap by hosting onsite get-togethers in locations around the world. However, the process of organizing these trips is challenging, and time consuming.

Develop an app that helps organizations plan these trips. Ensure you consider Budgets, organizational values, travel restrictions, team member restrictions (ie. visas), food, accommodations, workshop spaces, team adventures, etc.. Is it possible to enter information and have options presented to you?


Trippy is a mobile app designed for organizations to make trip planning easier for employees. The app allows users to report their individual preferences, availability, and personal information to ensure a smooth and enjoyable travel experience.

Project Timeline

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User Research

Out of the three user types in the prompt, we decided to focus on

Corporate employees with the option to work remotely... this includes

a. Young adults impacted by Covid 

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b. Experienced/senior managers who are unfamiliar with remote work

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  • Understand pain points of remote employees and how might it affect their experience

  • Take in all considerations such as employee needs to make travel experience better

  • Identify areas of improvement for better coordination of communication to plan trips

  • Create an app that satisfies our client's needs and has a user friendly interface 


1)  Employees likes to have more control & freedom when it comes to business trips


"A study of 2,565 business travelers in China, India, Indonesia, Japan, and Singapore revealed that at least 35% of those who are subjected to company travel policies don’t always adhere to them. Tailoring a corporate travel policy to employees’ needs and offering more flexibility may increase compliance." (Travel stop)

2) Remote employees may feel less included


“Remote working cultures have trouble developing inclusive employee experiences. On a computer screen, remote employees feel more isolated. Businesses must use communication approaches that encourage inclusiveness and employee equality when considering a transition to more remote working practices because employee engagement is determined by a sense of belonging. Employees working from home must have a similar experience to those working in the office.” --- Kirill Sajaev, executive director and the founder of

3) Coordination may be hard for remote employees


“The other issue is coordination when many people are involved. I’ve been told to deal with something in two different ways, depending on the person I’m talking to. I’ve been instructed to take care of something that managers knew needed to be done for months, but I’m assigned it days before it’s due. While tools such as online document storage, project management platforms, video conferencing, etc, have made the potential for coordination and communication easier, many managers and workers haven’t had training in how to communicate and coordinate in a virtual world.” ---Leslie Truex, Author, and Founder of a website on remote work

Design opportunities

  1. ​A fast & easy way of gathering information from remote employees 

  2. User friendly app for senior employees who are unfamiliar with technology

  3. An app that documents employee travel information and preferences for better coordination and planning


We created two personas based off the insights we've gathered and the user type we want to focus on. 


We thought it would be easier for employees to fill out their traveller's information when they register an account so the information could be recorded with their profiles in the app. 


Employees would also be able to vote, label available dates on calendar, and view iteneraries




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When employees register for an account, there will be a 7 step registration process to collect Travelers information guided by Alexa for organizations to keep record of when planning gatherings

A 7 step registration process

Home page

Chat Page

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Chat Page

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Voting Page

Employees can vote for organization picks, label available dates on public calendar and view iteneraries

Employees can chat with other colleagues on location picks 

Search Page


Search for locations to send to colleagues/organization



Travel information recorded in profile settings, employees can edit whenever they want

User friendly interface & easy navigation to complete travelers information



After completing the competition, I learned a lot from the designing process and working with my two teammates whom I just met. Since we all joined remotely across different time zones, we decided to overcome communication challenges by splitting up the frames and helping each other out whenever we've completed our portion. My key takeaway from this experience is that every designer has their own perspective, and I really enjoyed seeing how my teammates approach design and learning from their experiences. Even though we were in a time crunch, we were still organized and results driven. I was incredibly proud of our end result!😊

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